How To Be A Crucible of Light
Transformation is the catalysis of becoming a crucible of light, but our suffering stops this from happening.
Shifting Our Suffering Into An Ally For Transformation
Suffering amplifies who we are. Suffering is the cauldron of revelation. Suffering is the big question of why. Our suffering reveals who we are.
If we are Curmudgeons, Suffering makes us smaller and meaner people.
If we're Contemplatives in any way, Our suffering can bring out our inner-goodness In the sweetness of our grace.
Of course, we have both, but what we focus on expands, Either our inner-light or our inner-darkness. Neither is extinguished in our lifetime, so we may Cultivate one And are Enlightened by the other, Evolving both within ourselves and within our interbeing with others.
For we are One Humanity, Created... We Belong to Each Other.
Getting Back To The Garden
Our hearts are now the garden of Eden.
And there are two trees in this garden.
Which one will we eat from?
And there is a river, a spring out of the depths of eternity.
Character is grown in the garden of our hearts. As we cultivate our inner goodness and gentleness, Our compassion for ourselves and for others grows.
We neglect the garden of our hearts at our own peril, By running on automatic, or burying trama. If not tended to, The weeds will choke out our humanity, No matter how intelligent or gifted you are.
We grow by choice, intention, and focus.
The river of life and of light flows all around us, Always! But we must be present and dwelling to begin to see it and to feel its healing life-giving waters... The energy flowing around and through us Like diamonds of light.
Like the Blues are a sweetness that arises out of tragedy,
So Contemplation cultivates the eternal within us.
We all suffer our rot from the Fall, But through our contemplation with God,
The Spirit can transform Our mess of a life into a Masterpiece, Where our mess becomes our message, Where our suffering joy burns away all else, In ecstatic joy til all that is left is light.
Be The Light
Be like the light of the burning bush, The Presence of God for each other. Let that light of grace and mercy Shine through the shards of your brokenness Into a glorious display of splintered light, Shinning into this heart-broken world.
Tend the sick, soothe the suffering Be the loving eyes, presence, And the compassionate heart of Christ..
Beating love into this world caught up in the illusions of self and in the mystery of suffering.
Make No Mistake
All darkness dissolves in the light. We can either focus on our suffering Or we can focus on our joy of being.
Allow Your Suffering
To bring you to the end of yourself By letting go, Abandoning yourself Into the cauldron fires of love, Like a trust fall into the arms of God, Where our wood, hay, and stubble Is burned up
All while we are being transformed.
Love Does
It's all grace, Undeserved blessing, and favor,
On all of us.
Life and Light
Freely you've been given Freely give.
Only then may you see who you really are, Love, grace, and peace As a light in the darkness For you are sons and daughters Of the Father of lights.
Dying To Live
Only then are we able to hold our suffering in one hand And transcendent Joy in the other... Dwelling in the eternal present, Radiant and life-giving to those who see, And to those who are yet to see.
For seeing is inevitable at our death, if not before. That we are only one breath away from eternity should give us pause.
May we die Daily to our temporal life That we might drink in The creating waters of everlasting life.
Let us be Life-Giving Spirits in this world. We are Born from Heaven for this in God's Original Intent, Love is our Manifest Destiny in Christ in us.
So, Let it be, Let it become within you.
Be the life-giving fragrance of God's love In thought, and in word, and in deed.
Let Us Be A Crucible of Light.
~ Bob Holmes #DyingToLive #cancermeditation